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Injury of the Vestibulocerebellar Tract and Signs of Ataxia in Patients with Cerebellar Stroke. JCM, 2023.
Efficacy of Wheelchair Skills Training Program in Enhancing Sitting Balance and Pulmonary Function in Chronic Tetraplegic Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study. Medicina, 2023.
Effects of Ankle Eversion Taping on Muscle Activity in Chronic Ankle Instability Adults during Sudden Inversion. WSEAS, 2022.
Immediate Effects of the Reverse Plank Exercise on Muscle Thickness and Postural Angle in Individuals with the Forward Shoulder Posture. JFMK, 2022.
Effects of Fumanet Exercise Program on Risk of Falling, Body and Cognition Function in Elderly Patients. WSEAS, 2022.
Effects of Visual Cue Deprivation Balance Training with Head Control on Balance and Gait Function in Stroke Patients. Medicina, 2022.
Effects of Affected Side One Leg Standing Training with PNF Sprinter and Skater Patterns on the Balance and Gait Function in Hemiplegic Patients. WSEAS, 2022.
Effects of Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation and Exercise on Pain, Leg Muscle Strength, and WOMAC index in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients. JMAG, 2021.
Electromyographic analysis of ankle muscles in chronic ankle instability during sudden inversion according to visual information provision. SOT, 2021.
Analysis of Correlations among Cognition Function, Body Function, and Risk of Falling in Elders in Nursing Hospital. IJCRR, 2021.
The Effect of Quality of Life and Environmental Factors (WHOQOL-BREF, MQE, and HACE) on Independent Living and Cut-off Value Analysis in the Korean Elderly: Community and nursing home in the city. IJGE, 2021.
Effects of Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation on Pain, Disability, and Quality of Life in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients. JMAG, 2021.
The Association Between Restrictive Pulmonary Disease and Type 2 Diabetes in Koreans: A Cross-sectional Study. WJD, 2020.
Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Different Electrode Sites on the Activity of the Upper Extremity in Chronic Stroke Patients: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled Trial. JMAG, 2020.
The Association Between Lung Function and Type 2 Diabetes in Koreans. Osong Public Health Res Perspect, 2020.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields to Influence Pain Relief Following Knee Osteoarthritis in Rats. JMAG, 2019.
Effects of visual feedback balance training on the balance and ankle instability in adult men with functional ankle instability. JPTS, 2018.
The effects of a multisensory dynamic balance training on the thickness of lower limb muscles in ultrasonography in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. JPTS, 2017.
Effects of balance training by knee joint motions on muscle activity in adult men with functional ankle instability. JPTS, 2016